Sunday, March 10, 2019
2 to 4:30 p.m.
Raices Taller Art Gallery
218 E 6th St, Tucson, AZ 85705
Hello, TKMA Members! We hope you are ready, excited, willing and able to attend our upcoming TKMA Song Circle being held once again at the Raices Taller Art Gallery!
Tune up your instruments and head on over to the Gallery, and let’s make some music! Our TKMA President, Diane Perry and board members, Ismael Barajas, Syndenn Sweet and yours truly, Teodoro Ted Ramirez will be there to greet you, answer any Tucson Folk Festival questions, help you with your membership,s etc.
As always, the TKMA Song Circle is free to TKMA members in good standing and $5.00 to the general public. Bring your friends and your hand-held acoustic instruments and let’s play folk music – Tucson style!
If you have any questions – please feel free to email me or give me a call: or 520-981-2240 – I am happy to talk with you.
This Song Circle’s special guest artists are: Don Armstrong and JD Loveland! Each will play a 20-minute set, followed by our TKMA Song Circle. Let’s get ready for our 2019 Tucson Folk Festival (coming up April 6-7), by getting together and playing music – see you all there!